In January of 2012 Regan was involved in a life altering car accident that almost took her from us. Though nothing as tragic as such event is ever easy, we have been doing the best we can from day one. And we along with Regan have come a long way down this journey.
Since Regan’s accident she has made tremendous progress. After five months of intense hospitalization, she is now receiving care at home and is able to be surrounded by her family (and her sister’s puppy, Nala who she loves dearly and her new dog, Boo who loves to snuggle). We are beyond happy to have her with us. Each day is a re-learning process and being able to see even the smallest signs of improvement is a joy to us.

Though Regan still cannot speak, eat, walk and has little short-term memory, we still see signs of her amazing personality. Her contagious sense of humor and happy disposition have not left her and are frequently shown through many smiles and her cheerful laughter and snarky comments. It is our hope that with our continuous commitment to her treatment that she will one day give us even more than what she is capable of today.

We knew Regan’s road to recovery would be long and require dedicated 24/7 care. All of which we took on like any family would. What we did not know was that insurance does not feel the same way and has discontinued assisting in Regan’s therapy. This has put us in a position to take an alternative method to helping her meet her goals.

A pioneering treatment called Neural Stem Cell Therapy is Regan’s best chance to regain some of the skills she has lost by repairing and replacing her damaged cells. Typically, this treatment benefits the most physically. We are hopeful that this treatment will improve her ability to use her right hand, get her eating on her own, and enable her to walk. And of course, in addition to increasing motor coordination, Regan’s family is hoping it will give her the ability to speak again. How wonderful that would be!

Regan is our pure definition of resilience. She is visibility motivated, and she works hard every single day to recover. We believe the incredible fight in her along with the Neural Stem Cell Therapy will give her much great days ahead. And we hope you do too.
-Lori Moore

Undergoing Neural Stem Cell Therapy is Regan’s best shot at moving forward in her life. With your help, we hope that Regan will regain skills that she simply cannot relearn with the current therapy we are giving her. Each and every cent of your contributions will go directly toward the costs of this treatment.
Though funding this initiative is our goal, our mission is to give Regan ongoing support in every way possible. Keeping her positive and upbeat attitude is equally as important as the funds that go to her treatment.